Mark IV - ISO Examples

Here are some sample images taken with a Tamron 28-75 (f/2.8) at 28mm focal length, open wide at f/2.8 with varying ISO settings using the Mark IV. In my opinion, there could be some very usable images at the higher end of the spectrum. A little noise-reduction and even the 102,400 could have a place in certain circumstances.

ISO 200

ISO 400

ISO 800

ISO 1600

ISO 3200

ISO 6400

ISO 8000

ISO 10000

ISO 12800

ISO 25600

ISO 51200

ISO 102400

In my humble opinion, although the argument can be made that the Nikon outperforms the Canon Mark IV in this area - how much better does the average photographer need? I do this for a living and this performance far exceeded my expectations and I can see the immediate impact that this ISO performance will have on my images - especially the ones shot at night and/or under poor lighting (high school football, basketball, wrestling, etc).

We'll see how it performs covering the Pirates game this evening.