Casual Pics

Since sports photography is truly my focus, I usually don't "go after" other types of work. But, when you're referred by a friend you never decline and do your best. Portraits, engagement, weddings and parties are the best examples.

Today I am doing just that. A friend of a friend is getting married next year and in order to save them a few bucks (and to put some in mine), I agrees to do their wedding and engagement pics. Today is the engagement pic day.

I'm going to focus around downtown since at some point they want to head out to a farm for a few shots. Since I don't do much of this, it's as beneficial to me as it is ti them. It'll give me another genre to show potential clients. The trick? Finding cool places to get unique shots. I have some ideas, but it'll take some creativity. Obviously, there are the "staples". Mount Washington, Schenley Park, the Cathedral and the Strip District. Find me some colorful church doors and I'm all set. I figure 3-5 good locations and I should come up with a good start.

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