Well, for the time being, I have decided to convert an unused bedroom into a "cozy" studio. It's probably 12x14 which is kinda tight but should let me control the light pretty well. My concern is the amount of space the lighting will take up.
There is a window on the left side which will allow me to play with natural light some. That's a good thing. Also, I have a landscaped pond in my backyard which could be used for a spot. When my trees bloom, it'll form a nice natural backdrop. So, there are benefits. Another benefit - I will be close to my home office for proofing, etc.
A business owner, though, has some space right on the main drag that he is willing to give me at a really nice rate. It's new, bright white walls, extra "usable" space (until some tenant uses it) and has parking and an outdoor sign. I am grappling with that as I clean out this extra room. The real question is whether or not I want to spend $$ on rent. Do I really want to have to make that extra $$ just to have a retail location? Or, will the retail location make me that extra $$ on its own?
So, those are the questions I am faced with. I will bounce around from one decision to another for sure.