Fan Photos

Well, since I couldn't be where I wanted to (and didn't want to break the rules), I took a different approach. First of all, I opted for the 50D instead of the 1D. Why? I can take teh grip off and it is smaller. The fact that you can buy it at Best Buy makes it a consumer camera. Plus, the 1.6x crop factor gives me some extra reach.

Also, I left the 70-200 f/2.8 at home since I figured I could get away with higher ISO and f/4.0-5.6 in that lighting. I took a "kit lens", a 55-250mm with me. It is a lot smaller and passed right through security with no problems. I didn't measure it, so I guess it fit the guidelines. Nothng was said about the camera body, so I guess it's not abnormal for a fan to bring one in.

NOTE: I did, however, see a few pro lenses at the game that were obviously fans. I guess it's hard to police 17,000+ fans when you have a job to do.

Here are a few shots from tonight. Granted, these are not professional. These are not ones that would ever end up in any publication. But, as a fan, I feel "accomplished" this evening. These are shots that didn't come out too bad, considering I had to leave my "good gear" at home.

Oh, and these were shot at 3200 ISO mostly. I'll sharpen them 300%, apply "I'm Feeling Lucky" in Google Picasa and maybe use Neat Image if the noise is an issue. It doesn't seem too bad unless you view at full crop. And, before you ask, the ONLY image I actually adjusted the levels, contrast and sharpness on is the first one.

Oh, and lastly, below is where I "wanted" to be. It's only 8 rows closer to the ice but it takes the netting and glass out of play. This guy was crafty, he had his laptop right there with him - he was updating whatever website he was working for (probably or the Pens directly) between periods. Never had to go to the Media Room.