Tennis - Obstacles & Outcome

Well, yesterday was the first tennis match I had to shoot so far. It was at the Club in Monroeville. Now, this is a relatively high-class tennis club and gym facility, but the lighting is not conducive for high speed photography. I don't believe in ever using any flash. High ISO and post-processing is a better solution in my opinion.

Strobes, in my opinion, give a very artificial look to the shots. You do the best with what you have to work with and hopefully you end up with some keepers. If they are noisy, they can be sharpened and made black & white. I ran them through Neat Image and it helped. I think I should have sharpened them AFTER that step, instead of before.

Add to the lighting issue the fact that, other than before the match, the coach did not want anyone at courtside. This is totally unreal, but you have to play within the rules that the coach and officials set forth. It's humorous since we are all (should be) insured and there are benches between the courts that the coaches sit on. The excuse that it distracts the players is totally ridiculous.

That all being said, I'll probably get to travel to the Big East Tournament with them in late April. That, and even though I had a difficult day shooting - I got paid well. I guess there is always a silver lining if you have a positive attitude. Here are a few pics: