I posted my comment about the use of an iPhone for transmitting images on a thread over at SportsShooter.com - the premier site for Sports Photographers, in my humble opinion.
Let's just say that certain individuals questioned me on it. One said that I was giving "bad advice" and that using a cell phone network at a "big event" was basically impossible. It's a typical example of how some folks are just walking around with a "holier than thou" attitude. I was simply presenting another option that some may not have considered. Would it work? I have no idea, even though it works for me.
But, that wasn't the point. I was attempting to add more information to a community that is based, from my expectations, on sharing experiences and suggestions. Nobody has to listen to or implement anything I say, it's just further information that "might" be beneficial to another member.
Needless to say, the user apologized and further explained himself. Really wasn't different than the post, but I appreciate the effort. I am not a member on that board to make friends. If I do (and I have), then great. But, at the end of the day, I am there to learn from the experienced photographers that monitor the board.
In a lot of cases, you are discouraged, rather than encouraged from these seasoned professionals. Even the way you do business is judged. I think that the industry is changing so rapidly that some will not be able to adapt.
The community that read the post marked it as "innapropriate". My rebuttal, which wasn't all that kind, got a few "informative" marks. I guess that some people are just not ones to be understanding and are set in their ways. It's a lesson to everyone getting into the business. The LAST people you should ask are the seasoned pros. They don't like you, they don't want you in the business, and will do what they can to discourage you. "There's no money to be made in sports photography..." is a phrase used often. If there wasn't, why would there be so many photographers (who say that) STILL in the business? The answer is obvious.
End of my rant. I received numerous emails from other members congratulating me for standing up to the uncalled for comments. They were afraid to take my side on the message board for fear of backlash. What good is a community of we are not all in it for the same reasons. Me? I would never turn away a request for help or not answer a question from another photographer. That's just NOT how I operate.