The NIT Starts

Today I jump on the Pitt bus and head to Toledo for their first round game versus Toledo. I love working for a good client, good people and at a level where they realize that quality "costs". IF it were up to me, I would sign on as their staff sports photographer. Paul and I have talked abou it, but the different Sports Information Directors have their own people that they use. So, in order to do that, I have to work the other relationships harder. At some point, I envision covering almost every sport Pitt has to offer.

Here's what I am taking with me on this trip. I can tell  you that you never have enough batteries and DO NOT forget the chargers when you travel. They'er very easy to leave plugged into the wall and walk away.

1D Mark II
(1) ET-2 Infrared Transmitter
(1) 580 EX II
(8) AA rechargeable batteries w/ fast charger
(3) 1D batteries
(1) 1D AC battery w/ cable
Wireless shutter release w/cable
Canon 70-200mm IS USM L f/2.8
Canon 18-55mm IS f/4-5.6
Canon 55-250mm IS f/4-5.6
Tamron 28-75mm f/2.8
Thinktank belt w/ pouches
50-in-1 card reader

I may have listed my gear before, but that is pretty much what I carry with me wherever I go. Some people shy away from kit lenses due to their construction (plastic), but I get some good shots with them on the 50D. They're not compatible with the 1D. the 18-55mm is a good walkaround lens and shoots pretty wide.

This trip couldn't come at a better time, either. Photography is an escape for me. I am sure you feel the same way. Whenever you have personal stress, etc - it is nice when an assignment comes up that will occupy your time and keep you busy. This trip happens to be one of those.

This will be the first time that I can test my iPhone in a crowded environment as a transmission tool. Certain photographers have said that it simple won't work. I disagree. This will be a chance to find out for sure.